NOVEMBER 6, Worcester, MA > 18th Annual Conference on Critical Geography

Co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University and the journal Human Geography, the 18th Annual Conference on Critical Geography seeks to bring critical geographers together to engage with a world in crisis. Historically, crises have been viewed as moments of political opportunity; as points in time where hegemonic contradictions are revealed and contested. This conference views crisis as an entry point into questions of how critical geographers can construct a responsive, radical politics. If the aim of critical social theory is not only to understand but to change, we seek to question what notions of change, politics, and action underlie contemporary critical and radical geographies.

Saturday, November 5, 8:00-9:40 AM
Mapping and Visualization Approaches for Social Change I: Innovations for Urban and Community Development
Paper 4: Levente Polyak> Mapping conflicts in Post-Socialist Cities: Praguewatch in Prague and Anatomy of a Street in Budapest

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