2017 Consultant and facilitator, JASPERS-CoR dialogues on the implementation of the EU Urban Agenda
2016- Trainer and consultant, The Participatory Governance of Cultural Institutions. Kultura Nova, Croatia
2015- Thematic Expert, Interactive Cities: Social media and digital communication in urban governance (URBACT Action Planning Network)
2015- Managing director, Eutropian
2015- Project advisor, Rethinking food markets, Rome
2013-14 Coordinator, Temporary use as a tool for urban regeneration (URBACT Transfer Network)
2013 Contributing editor, Budapest 2030 Urban Development Strategy
2011-13 Project manager, Project Space workshop series, Wonderland Platform for European Architecture
2012-16 Project leader, Vacant Budapest / Vacant Central Europe urban regeneration project
2012 Budapest Urban Design Strategy: associate researcher
2009 Délégation à la Politique de la Ville et à l’Intégration (DPVI), Paris
2008 New York City Department of City Planning, Manhattan Office
2004 Co-editor of the Budapest candidature for 2010 European Capital of Culture, Budapest Cultural Observatory
2003 Co-organiser of the Federation of Young European Greens conference, Strasbourg
1999-2007 Draughtsman at the Budapest Historical Museum