November 29th and 30th – From 11:30 to 18:30
La Palazzina Reale – Piazza della Stazione, Firenze
moderators: Indira van’t Klooster (Editor in Chief A10) – Jason Hilgefort (L+CC)
Economic sustainability is a key concern to architects (and many otherprofessionals). How many times have we been trying to figure out a sustainable model to our business plan? How many ideas would we like to convert into a project, without knowing how to proceed?
Since the beginning of the financial crisis this issue has been tackled either by following a clear and functional model or by using a creative approach. In any case, the sustainability of our business is becoming more and more important, and the boundaries among different disciplines are becoming less and less clear.
“Survive Style 4″ is an open event divided into 4 panels – each one of them will be followed by an open confrontation with the participants and the audience. Every panel will see the participation of one moderator and 4/6 international guests in an informal and open discussion.