OCTOBER 9, Palermo > Marketplaces as local hubs

Bottega #3
Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa
Venerdì 9 ottobre 2015 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 (CEST)
Palermo, Italia
Marketplaces have traditionally constituted some of the most important public spaces, attracting people from all ways of lives and all financial capabilities. In the past decades, however, they gradually lost their role: while urban and metropolitan agriculture are flourishing, and an increasing number of enterprises work on short chain food distribution, many markets in European cities are abandoned or underused. The workshop explores the possibilities to renew markets as public spaces, by connecting them to new agriculture initiatives, by inviting various actors to play a role in their renewal, and by creating viable economic models for their maintenance and vitality, by including new social and cultural functions. The methodology of the workshop consists of collaborative process where participants share a common experience by visiting a traditional food market in Palermo with local experts from the administration, food industry and environmental NGOs, and then within a workshop session the potentials and challenges of a new market will be discussed: how to prevent gentrification, how to ensure accessible good quality food, how to organise markets in order to be economically sustainable. Participants are expected to contribute with their own expertise and bring back home new ideas on the development of a conceptual model for a vital, economically sustainable and socially inclusive marketplace. The outputs of the workshop will be integrated in the ongoing workshop series and publication in collaboration with the European Cultural Foundation, therefore for allowing for a wider dissemination of the experience.

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