On Sunday 29 May from 14.00 – 16.30 hs as part of the New Europe City Makers Summit, URBACT, Eutropian, Agora Europe and Pakhuis de Zwijger jointly organise, in cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions the unique dialogue We Make Europe: Cities and City Makers enhancing the (Im)Pact of Amsterdam at FabCity.
In the wake of the Pact of Amsterdam, cities and city-makers come together. Their objective: explore the role of cities and civil society actors in effectively addressing the unyielding urban issues we face today. Bringing experiences from the ground and cases of innovative practices, these city practitioners will highlight the questions they face when trying to drive change in their city.
The event aims at creating a dialogue between Cities and City Makers to enrich the ongoing work of the EU Urban Agenda partnerships with experience “from the ground”. The discussion with focus on the ongoing Partnerships on Affordable Housing, Refugees and Migrant Inclusion, Urban Poverty and Air Quality.
The event will be divided in three moments:
1. A plenary session where there cities and city-makers will briefly present their innovative governance strategy or initiative, their experience, highlighting challenges and potentials of EU policy on the urban scale.
2. Four working groups discussing in detail the four topics of the Urban Agenda Partnerships, with the aim of elaborating suggestions that may feed into the ongoing policy discussion.
3. An open plenary to the wide public where institutional representatives (from the EU Commission, European Committee of the Regions, Dutch government, URBACT and cities) will comment on the discussions of the working groups.
The expected impact? Creating an ongoing dialogue between City Administrations, City Makers with the EU Urban Agenda Partnerships and European institutions in order to guarantee a richer variety of inputs into the policy elaboration.
More information about the event at http://urbact.eu/we-make-europe-cities-and-city-makers-enhancing-impact-amsterdam
You can consult the agenda of the session We make Europe: Cities and City Makers enhancing the (Im)Pact of Amsterdam HERE and REGISTER HERE.
If you want to more about the CityMakers Summit, read HERE.
Looking forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!