JUNE 16-17, Budapest > Underused office buildings, new approaches

[adaptable city 6] Underused office buildings, new approaches

June 16-17, 2014
Coming Soon! Projekt Gallery (1052 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16.)
With Paul Oudeman (Office Space Intermediary, Amsterdam, NL)

June 16. Monday, 7pm-8.30pm
Lecture by Paul Oudeman

June 17. Tuesday, 10.00am-5pm
Site visits and workshop

Similarly to Budapest, Amsterdam has witnessed a radical decrease of office space use in the past years. Taking a pro-active position to tackle the issue of underused buildings, the City of Amsterdam is stimulating redevelopment and transformation not only organizational (office-space intermediary, transformation team), but also financial (through lease incentives, fines/charges, no subvention) legal and planning (permit procedures, zoning plans).

Paul Oudeman works for the Amsterdam Development Corporation (Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Gemeente Amsterdam) as the office-space intermediary of the Municipality of Amsterdam. He encourages and helps property owners to convert their vacant office properties to alternative uses, including residential property, hotels, space for creative endeavours, start-up companies and ‘incubators’. As part of the transformation process, he brings property owners in contact with those looking for property and helps them navigate the municipal process, procedures and regulations.

Empty office buildings in Amsterdam (November 2013). Source: http://www.amsterdam.nl

Empty office buildings in Amsterdam (November 2013). Source: http://www.amsterdam.nl

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