On 22 February 2024, I moderated the roundtable discussion “Diverse Heritage, Shared Connections – How to foster stronger engagement?” in KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre.
As part of KÉK’s Urban Talks series, we celebrated with international guests that the Budapest100 urban festival won the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2023. Looking ahead to this year’s theme of the festival and other projects of KÉK, we initiated dialogue about modern heritage with experts during a public evening programme with a roundtable discussion. Our main questions focused on the public and institutional evaluation and reception of modern heritage together with mapping possibilities and initiatives to make it more available and inclusive in a sustainable way, working with decision-makers and professionals of the field. The event’s aim was to bring together different viewpoints of different fields closely intertwining at the topic of heritage protection, to seek answers and inspiration, while presenting new perspectives to the public as well.
19:00 // Roundtable discussion with opening statements moderated by Levente Polyák
20:30 // Celebration of Budapest100 and the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2023
Graham Bell – Board member of European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards
Dr. Anke Blümm- Research assistant at Haus Am Horn, Weimar
Ena Kukić and Dinko Jelečević – Project leaders of Memoryscapes of Sarajevo, Graz
Dániel Kovács – Museologist at the Hungarian Museum of Architecture and Monument protection Documentation Center Budapest
Levente Polyák – Eutropian, Contemporary Architecture Centre