APRIL 4 > Presentation at the Central European University

Crowdsourcing and Community Mapping Vacancy in Budapest
Discussion Leader: Levente Polyak, CEU, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

Time/Place: April 4, CEU, Nador 11 Rm 616, 12:45pm

The KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, began its Lakatlan (Vacant City) research project in the Fall of 2012. The program including a university course and public lectures focused on the on the phenomena of abandoned properties: the cause of privately or publicly owned properties going vacant, the opportunities and limitations of their reuse or conversion. As part of the project and based on various examples from New York through Hamburg and Vienna, KÉK developed a publicly accessible and editable crowdmap to inventory abandoned properties in Budapest, and they studied the potentials of various building types for conversion or temporary use. In this week’s Media and Change discussion, Levente Polyak will discuss the Budapest project, and we will talk about how the crowdmap and related research raises a variety of questions about open government, the transparency of municipal data, citizen mobilization, data accuracy and the sensitivity of shared information.

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